About Us

For more than a decade, the Sautlink Group has been following the changes that the world is presenting itself, its essence began as IT, focusing on electronic commerce, business intelligence and information products.
But, over the years, it became necessary to rethink its repositioning in the market in the face of so many challenges. However, in 2016, we saw the opportunity to open a new business front, our own e-commerce.
We didn't think twice, in December 2017 we launched one of the first online stores in the set table segment in Brazil, Maison Charlô. At the time, hubs integrating marketplaces and social networks were starting to emerge, and we took advantage of the favorable atmosphere to expand our sales channels to more than 15 marketplaces in 3 years.
Being a lean company made us always focus on improving our internal processes. Selection of suppliers, quality in production, having the product ready for delivery, assorted catalogue, agility in preparing for shipment, daily collection and, most importantly, creating an experience for our customers when receiving their order are essential control variables for our positioning through differentiation.
However, we are no longer exclusively an IT company, but a company managing the Maison Charlô brand. The Balance is... our brand is present throughout the national territory from north to south, we deliver our products to even the indigenous reserve of the Amazon, we have grown + 300% in revenue in recent years, we have stopped being a micro company to a small company.

Panel Celebration 6 years
But you know, we don't actually deliver “cloths”, “products”, what we deliver to our customers are moments to be shared and in those moments, they create memories for a lifetime.
In 2022, we completed 6 years of life and also took on other challenges, expanding our business to the foreign market, opening headquarters and operations in the United States with the purpose of internationalizing the brand for the markets.

Two Sisters, One Thought
Our values are our guiding principles in everything we do. This is our motto! We believe that this almost becomes a mantra, and it is largely due to our parents, who were always present in building our values as individuals, women, wives, and mothers.

Make your meals unforgettable, charming, and get the best compliments from your guests with a well-set table.
We want to be synonymous with a worldwide expression of trust and credibility. A brand sensitive to new ways of seeing the world in a responsible, sustainable and prosperous way, even in the face of all the adversities and changes that the world presents itself.
We believe in the importance of relationships. The table is the best place to share the appreciation of peace, solidarity and life in all its manifestations. We are a company that practices innovation, integrity, diversity, responsibility and social impact.
Without a doubt, our business is to make connections, to be the bridge for human connections. And through the table, to be the stage of human and affective relationships.